06 April 2020

Distance Learning through COVID-19

How I am coping with distance learning and isolation

Hello everybody, my name is Scout Brooks, I am 19 years old. I have been studying at USP College for three years now and it has had its ups and downs, but isn’t that what college is all about?

Throughout my time at USP College I have studied Level 2 Media and now I am currently in my second year studying Level 3 Media. I've always enjoyed media since I started studying it at school and I am glad that I have chosen this as my career path. 

While I have been at home, college work hasn’t changed for me. My teachers are still encouraging me to do my best and are sending daily emails which are helping me throughout this time. Media has a range of units that I have already completed throughout this year, and whilst at home I have been going back over some of the work I have already created and making improvements.

I also study Maths alongside Media and my Maths teachers have sent me a range of websites that I can go through to develop all of my maths skills and improve on my weaker areas. I also have PinPoint learning for Maths which I will be completing whilst in isolation. I have enjoyed doing work at home so far as it is something different, it may be difficult as you may not have the right resources or instant help from teachers when you are face-to-face - but they will always get back to you as quickly as they can. More importantly, this has shown that even if you are at home work can still be done no matter your surroundings. Just stay positive no matter what and do a little every day instead of it getting too much and overwhelming - which is something you wouldn’t want.

Today, I will be talking to you about how myself and my family are coping with this pandemic. I will also give a little bit of guidance to you on how you can cope and how you can worry a little less. So, sit back, relax and enjoy this little blog from me to you.

I understand that it is a hard time at the moment with everything that’s going on, I get you. It’s difficult being in one place for a long time and also not being able to see your extended families. My family are very precious to me, and to not see them for weeks on end has been heartbreaking, but all we ever want is for them to be healthy and happy. And I know if everyone stays in then we will be able to see them before you know it!

Me and my family have kept very productive during these uncertain times! The main thing during this time is to keep productive but in your own home, I get that you may not be able to do a lot but I'm sure without even thinking there is something you can do. But please make sure that you stay in that is the most important thing right now. I know that it will be hard not to go out on a sunny afternoon but would you like your summer? Would you like to see your extended families and friends again? Then just stay in for any ending out coming of this virus.

Me and my family play card games and cook and clean together as a team. We are all very creative my brother will be in his room creating incredible music and my mum will be writing her amazing book while I will also be helping with her Therapy business - I have created a website, social media platforms, videos and other marketing material. We have also been doing things around the house which you probably don’t have time to do normally or just forget when you are busy. But now you have much more free time so why don’t you make it count?


A great way we have been staying positive is to FaceTime our friends and family, this is creating a little breather throughout day which helps you and others if feeling bored or lonely. This has made me, my mum and younger brother feel a bit better that even though we are in isolation there is still something that we can do together. Remember, don’t forget about those around you they will be getting worried and I'm sure they would love to chat for a while.

There is still positivity in the world. I am so grateful to be a part of the “Self Isolation” group on Facebook and all of the NHS that are doing amazing jobs. There is still so much positivity in the world, we should be grateful just because of that. The world has become a better place, the sun is shining brighter, and the oceans are clearer.

Don’t forget to look outside and use your daily exercise to get outside for an hour to enjoy the weather, everything will be okay just remember to breathe and think of good times.

For those who are feeling a sense of sadness or loneliness during this time, it is okay. The Colleges Safeguarding Team are still available should you need to have a chat.