Title block - This is an H1

You should only have one H1 per page and all other headings should be used in sequential order. A sub heading of an H1 should be an H2 and a sub heading of an H2 should be an H3 and so on.

Title Block - H2

Title Block - H3

Title Block - H4

This Text Block has no additional HTML styling available as it has no rich text capability. It would be rarely used as it creates a single paragraph. This particular block has the "inset" option ticked in the styles tab to make the overall width of the block narrower.

This Rich Text Block does have additional styling available. This paragraph is a lead paragraph and is slightly larger than a normal paragraph. Use this style at the top of a page if you want to emaphasise the opening line or two of text.

  • Add bullets
  • Like this
  • If you need to

Maybe create a link. If you're linking to a document or an external website you should use the 'Target' checkbox when creating the link top open it in a new tab.

Here's a new single block layout

The single block layout has a background of "bgAquaLight" selected in the styles tab. There are a range of options available for the background.

The Image Block needs images that are at least 1680 pixels wide. They will automatically be resized on smaller devices. This text block has been inset and centered using the options in the "style" tab. It may look a little close to the image below, so I've added a spacer block between the text block and the image block.


This Text Block has no additional HTML styling available as it has no rich text capability. It would be rarely used as it creates a single paragraph. This particular block has the "inset" option ticked in the styles tab to make the overall width of the block narrower.

Title text media block

Hey everyone, have you seen this. It's something we want to draw your attention to without having to write too much copy as there's a limit to what people will read.

View our courses

A new single block layout

This is so we can switch the background colour for the section back to white  (or to a different colour).

This is a blockquote macro inserted into a rich text editor. The lines above and below are created automatically.

Amanda Test - CEO, Unilever

Hello there, here's some more text underneath the macro.

Our FAQs

Did you insert a spacer block above this FAQ section?

I did as otherwise the text above is a little close to the title.

Why is this FAQ block wider than the text above it?

Because the rich text block above has "inset" selected under the style tab when you edit the text.

Is this a question?

Yes it is. I could go on, but there's not much else to add. You just add more questions and answers to build up your FAQ section.

Is this another question?

Yes it is.

Title for a Notice Block

This is optional text for a notice block

This links to the homepage

A second block with no link

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.

A third block

I ticked the box to make this a three column notice block under the "Styles" tab. If you don't tick that box, you get four columns per row.

Chief Executive Officer's Welcome

This has four blocks across and is not inset

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco

Title for a Notice Block

This is optional text for a notice block

This links to the homepage

A second block with no link

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.

A third block

I ticked the box to make this a three column notice block under the "Styles" tab. If you don't tick that box, you get four columns per row.

Chief Executive Officer's Welcome

This is "bgYellow" on the single block layout

Depending on which backgroiund colour you pick, we change the text colours to use accessible colour combinations. Try changing the single block layout background colour in the "styles" tab.


This block has the "large title" setting ticked. It makes the title font really big.

This links to the homepage

4 A*s

That means you can use it to present little number facts or similar.


I ticked the box to make this a three column notice block under the "Styles" tab. If you don't tick that box, you get four columns per row.

Chief Executive Officer's Welcome

Button Block below

You can add a button block as below with either one or two buttons. Ideal for a short bit of text that's centred like this is so that you can introduce something and then link off to it.

Image Gallery

Logo Grid Block

This block is useful if you had a list of sponsors for an event for example or a list of companies that you've worked with to set up apprenticeships etc.

Related contact block

I've set this kind of information in "single block layout" witha background colour of "bgPink" throughout the site so that the user will consistently associate the pink block with useful contact information.