USP Students and Staff Rally for Remembrance

USP College staff members, Ruth Lamb and Holly Hooper, Teachers of Business and Liberty King, Business Facilitator and a group of Level 2 Business Students generously volunteered at the Royal British Poppy Appeal collection at Morrisons in Hadleigh on November 04. This act of service also works towards our student's volunteering aspect of their studies.

USP College is a Rotaract of the Hadleigh Castle Rotary Club, who organises events and works with local communities to raise funds for the less fortunate.

Here is what Ruth Lamb, a Teacher of Business in the Financial & Professional Services Sector, had to say about to say about the volunteering opportunity:

"This was a fantastic opportunity for our Level 2 Business Studies students at the Seevic Campus, where they gained the experience of giving back to their community and this also enabled them to develop their employability skills. We are so proud of our students giving their time to support this worth while cause."

Ruth Lamb