Our New Transition Mentor
- Posted 05 Oct 2021

Meet our Seevic Campus Transition Mentor PK.
Hi, I’m George Phelps-Knights, known as PK. I’m a former student and I became a Transition Mentor at the College’s Seevic Campus at the start of the new term. My role is to help students feel relaxed in their new environment by being a friendly face around the campus.
I’m really enjoying my new role as I like helping people and I had the best experience when I was a student at USP College. I feel that the students can relate to me well as I am a similar age to them and they are comfortable with me because I talk to them how they want to be spoken to.
I’ve chatted to a lot of different people about a lot of different things, but some things keep coming up, like some of the new students are nervous about going into lessons and others are worried about not being confident enough.
It’s good to be able to be able to help them, and to talk through everything with them as a person that they feel comfortable around.
If someone doesn’t feel confident, I reassure them that it is OK to not feel that way, and that it can take time to get used to a new place. The College can feel big at first, but it will begin to feel familiar and everyone is really friendly and helpful, so you can ask for help.
If you see me around Campus, please come up and say hello.